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Center za pomočManage activities, playlists and badgesAsk for a badge endorsement

Ask for a badge endorsement

Endorsement is an act of giving public approval and support for an Open Badge, an Activity or an Organiser. It shows trust, gives visibility and creates new opportunities. Organisers can use the Cities of Learning platform to send an invitation to other organisations, institutions and experts to express their endorsement on a badge level. Contact us at support@badgecraft.eu to activate the Endorsement feature for your Organiser’s Account.

To ask for endorsement of a badge:

Note! You should be logged in to your Organiser’s account. You can find here how to do that.

  1. Go to the Activity (Open dashboard -> Activities) or Playlist (Open dashboard -> Playlists) you want to ask for endorsement.
  2. Click on the Badges tab (Open dashboard -> Activities / Playlists -> Badges). Tip: you can also click on the badge anywhere on the Activity Overview tab and continue with step 4.
  3. Click on the Badge image (Open dashboard -> Activities / Playlists -> Badges -> Badge).
  4. Click on the Endorsements tab (Open dashboard -> Activities / Playlists -> Badges -> Badge -> Endorsements) below the badge image and title.
  5. Click on the Request Endorsement (Open dashboard -> Activities / Playlists -> Badges -> Badge -> Endorsements -> Request endorsement).
  6. Fill in the form and click on Request Endorsement to send a request. Tip: prior to sending the endorsement request, agree with a potential endorser about their commitment to unlock some real-life opportunities to badge earners and explain how their endorsement will be added and made visible on the badge.

Je bil ta članek uporaben?

Approve badge endorsementAsk for a badge endorsementAsk for an activity endorsementAsk for an organiser endorsementCreate an ActivityInvite people to an ActivityRegister your Personal AccountVerify a digital badge certificateVerify your email address
Badgecraft vodi spletno infrastrukturo za mesta in regije učenja in jo razvija skupaj z vodilnimi izobraževalnimi organizacijami. Evropski konzorcij razvija to platformo s pomočjo sofinanciranja programa Evropske unije Erasmus+. Kontaktirajte support@badgecraft.eu.
Preklopite na drug jezik:
Sofinancirano s strani programa Evropske unije Erasmus+
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